Monday, November 30, 2009

Turkeys, A Ham, and Advent, Oh My!

Sunday, November 22
At 3:00pm, I undertook the enormous task of baking and decorating 90 turkey cupcakes. In honor of Owen’s 5th birthday, I volunteered to provide a dessert for the Mom’s Day Out Thanksgiving Feast, which involved 3 different classrooms. Somewhere around 6:00pm, I enlisted the help of my mom and Brandon in the turkey cupcake-decorating marathon. Mom was on frosting duty, Brandon was on eye duty, and I was on gobbler, wings, and feather duty. We finished up around 10:30pm. Who knew making turkey cupcakes was a full time job! Brandon and my mom loaded up the little turkeys and took them to church so they would be ready in the morning. Things I learned from this experience . . . 90 turkey cupcakes is a huge undertaking, my mom is not a great eye maker, you need 2 boxes of mini cupcakes to make that many turkeys. Everything turned out just great and all the little pilgrims and Indians had a delicious special treat at their Thanksgiving feast.

Friday, November 27
We spent Thanksgiving with Brandon’s family in Van Wert, Ohio. This week was jam packed with celebrations. On Wednesday we celebrated Owen’s birthday, on Thursday we celebrated Thanksgiving, and on Friday we celebrated Christmas. There were about 25 of us in the living room at my in-law’s home. Brandon’s Aunt Lorie was busy taking some pictures of the gathering. Miles was making the rounds and saying thank you for his Christmas gifts. Aunt Lorie wanted a quick picture of Miles. She said, “Miles, say cheeseburger for me!” He quickly responded by saying “Cheeseburger, for you!” The entire room erupted in laughter. What a ham!

Sunday, November 29
This past summer, I did a bible study called Feast. I learned about the feasts of the Bible and how these feasts helped people remember important events. This made me think about my own family and our lack of traditions. With this in mind, I began researching ideas to make Christmas a more meaningful celebration for our family. One of the major ways we will remember the reason for this season is through Advent. Advent means “to come” and is a great way for us to remember that we are celebrating how God came to earth as a baby and that we are now waiting for him to come again! Sunday is pizza night at our house. This week we sat at the dining room table and lit our first candle, the Prophecy candle. I talked about what prophecy means and Brandon read from the Bible. After our meal, we watched the new Veggie Tales movie “Saint Nicholas” which further explained the real meaning of Christmas. I hope that this new tradition will become a meaningful part of our family’s celebration in years to come!

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Wow! Our cupcakes really look good in that picture! ;-)