Monday, December 14, 2009

New Year's Resolution Update (Tresolutions II)

I was reading though my blog the other day. For all intents and purposes, it is my journal. While perusing the various entries, I was reminded of my New Year's "Tresolution". This is my post from Dec 29, 2008:

As 2009 approaches, I am entering year two of my new Tresolution plan. This past year has been focused on developing a more consistent quiet time for bible study and prayer. 2009 will be focused on taking care of my body. I decided to get a head start and am already finishing up week 3 of an exercise plan a friend of mine developed for me. In true Tresolution fashion, I will be continuing to focus on my quiet times as well. Specifically, I'm hoping to work on scripture memorization during my time on the treadmill. Multitasking at it's finest! Year three is really going to be exciting-decluttering! Check back in December 2010 to see my progress!

So, how is that body of mine shaping up? I just mentioned to my mom the other day that something really weird is happening. All of my pants are simultaneously shrinking, imagine that! I may be putting on a pound here or there, but overall, I have developed some healthier habits this year. Beginning in January, I played in a women's soccer league for a few months. I could hardly walk the first few weeks, but I survived. It was fun being on a team (even though it was a losing team), but I think my soccer playing days are now officially over.

Somewhere around March I fell off the exercising train. Although I wasn't regularly exercising, I did discover a great service to assist me in the kitchen. I blogged this year about Menu for the Week. Each week, I receive 5 dinner recipes, 1 dessert and 1 breakfast recipe via email. These menus also come with a complete shopping list. We have been eating at home very consistently now. Of course, we still enjoy dinner out from time to time, but how wonderful to be able to provide home cooked meals for my family. Eating home is much healthier for all of us and saves money too! I am learning a ton about food and cooking. Can't say I love it yet, but I'm gaining some confidence and not dreading dinnertime.

I just completed my 7th week of consistent exercise. I'm using the same plan I did last year. My friend Tona developed two different exercise plans for me. I just finished the first and will start the second one on Wednesday morning. It combines using the treadmill and elliptical for cardio along with abdominal exercises and some weights. I have used my time on the treadmill to work on memorizing the books of the Bible along with their keywords as well as reviewing my memory verses. Using a simple plan I read about on Beth Moore's blog, I have memorized 20 verses already this year!

2010 is year 3 of my Tresolution . . . decluttering. I have a strong desire to do this. The biggest obstacle is simply knowing how to accomplish this seemingly huge task. I'm sure this year will be another adventure. I will again continue to find new ways to grow in my quiet times with God. I'd really like to further develop my prayer life. We have been learning about the Lord's prayer in church and this is definitely an area that I can grow in. I'm hoping to persevere in my fitness routine and eating habits. I'm sure there will continue to be ups and downs, but I'm ready to give it a go.

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