Saturday, November 21, 2009


Naptime is a happy time in my house. I get a break, the kids get some rest, and all is well in the world. The hour after naptime, however, is a different story. A typical after-nap scene in my home involves crying, screaming, and tantrums of all shapes and sizes compliments of my sweet little Miles. Recently, I’ve noticed a particular occurrence during this specific period of time. In the midst of all the crying, screaming, and tantruming, Miles wants to be held.

Now, there are a few non-negotiable demands related to the little guy’s request. First and foremost, not just any arms will do. Mom’s arms are apparently the only ones qualified enough to do the job. Secondly, the request to be held must be fulfilled on demand. No matter what is going on and how impossible it may be, an immediate response is expected. Lastly, it simply will not do to stoop down and hold the little guy in an embrace. He expects and demands to be lifted up.

Are these demands always fulfilled? Absolutely not! Does that mean I don’t love my child? Absolutely not! One evening, as I stooped down to give my tearful little guy a big hug I was struck by how much I am like him. How often do I expect God to answer my requests in a particular way, at a particular time, and in a particular manner.

How often do we miss out on his plans, his timing, and his comfort because we are too busy demanding our own way. Throughout Scripture, God assures us of his love and that his plans for us are good. Let’s not throw a tantrum and miss out on all God has for us!

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