Saturday, May 23, 2009

Menu for the Week Update

Well, I made it through the week . . . kind of! I made 4 of the 5 meals this week. I was all set to make the final recipe when I realized I had thawed pork instead of chicken. Oops! We'll try it again another day. The recipes included:

Chicken Pesto Pasta-This was awesome! I substituted sun-dried tomato pesto for basil pesto and it turned out great! My mom and I ate some leftovers the next day. She thought it was excellent. Later in the week, a friend of mine stopped by for lunch. I offered her the end of the leftover pasta. Her comment, "I feel like I should pay you for eating this!" Score! I will definitely make this again! The real kicker . . . it was sooooo easy!

Crock Pot Pork Tenderloin-This was yummy! Owen helped me get everything into the crock pot during Miles' morning nap. He even turned the crock pot on for me. Yep, that simple :-) About 30 minutes before dinner, I made some mashed potatoes and green beans. The pork was very well seasoned and tender. Miles kept saying, "More ticken pease." I didn't correct him, it was too cute!

Updside Down Pizza-Another winner! My mom and dad watch the boys while Brandon and I are at church on Wednesday nights. We have gotten into the routine of having dinner together. Typically, it is frozen pizza. This was a huge improvement! My favorite part is the crescent roll crust on top. Everyone enjoyed this recipe and I'm sure we'll make this again soon!

Tostados-Oh, you mean a Mexican pizza! I have eaten Mexican pizzas at Taco Bell for years. I had no idea those were tostados. I need to get out more! Anyway, Miles was the only one who wasn't a big fan. He did like the "big chip" and cheese. This was a nice simple meal. A nice alternative to tacos.

I had leftovers for lunch every day this week! As I said, I even feed leftovers to my guests. It was great! I also noticed that I didn't waste as much food. I only bought what I needed for the recipes and then I used it all. The most thrilling thing is that we ate at home every night this week. Wait, maybe even more thrilling than that is the recipes were so easy that Owen was able to help me each night :-)

After talking it over with Brandon, we decided to take the plunge. Every Friday I will receive a new menu and grocery list. In addition to this, I will have access to all the past menus. If you want to see the full recipes for any of the above dinners, check out and click on free week. If you want to try the entire week, the grocery list is provided as well! And if you're in the neighborhood, stop by, leftovers are in the fridge!

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