Friday, January 30, 2009

Time Out!

I am on my own with the boys this weekend as Brandon is speaking at a retreat in Michigan. Dinner time is always a little crazy when I'm outnumbered. Owen and I were negotiating how much food he had to eat before he earned a special treat. Feeling generous I offered 3 bites. A few mintues later, I asked Owen if he'd had his 3 bites yet. He said he had. After a thorough investigation of his plate it was obvious that no bites had been taken. Time out!

Owen took the walk of shame to his time out corner with minimal resistance. I set the timer and got busy clearing the table. I didn't think much of it, but I could hear Owen talking. Eventually, I stopped to listen to his monologue . . . help me to not lock the door, help me not be afraid because you are right beside me, help me be brave. The timer interrupted this fascinating exchange and Owen returned to the kitchen.

When I asked the little guy what he had been saying he let me know he had been praying to God. When asked what he prayed about he said he wanted to be brave and strong like Samson . . . and kill a lot of Philistines. I gave that boy a bear hug, some encouragement to continue talking to God and a quick lesson on the evils of murder. All in a day's work!

Seriously though, it is so cool for me to already see the influence of the Holy Spirit in this 4 year old's life. I see a change! Although there are still plenty of tantrums and time outs, God is doing a work in this little boy's heart. What a great reminder that the same God working in Owen's life is also at work in each of us. He can change us if we are willing . . . even in the midst of a time out!


Melissa said...

That is so sweet... Praying out loud all on his own; just him and God. How awesome.

Ashleigh said...

So neat, Keri! Love this story.

Olivia will sometimes pray in a quiet voice, "Thank you God for making Mommy." That always melts me. :) As far as Ava goes, we finally got her to stop praying that God "wouldn't run away."