Friday, December 12, 2008

Tis the Season?

Is it just me or does the cold, harsh winter turn children against their parents? Lately, my boys are just not showing me the love. Yesterday, I went into Miles' room to get him up from his nap. I flung my arms wide and said "Give mama a hug!" Well, my little momma's boy just wasn't in the mood. His response, "No." He plopped himself down in the crib and just shook his head. After some begging and pleading, Miles did offer me some knuckles (you know, where you hit your fists together). Never did get that hug.

A few hours later, Owen decided to get in on the action. I don't even remember what he did or what I said. I do, however, clearly remember his crossed arms, pouty face and sassy comment . . . "I'm going to throw you into the lion's den!" Whoa! Although I am thrilled that Owen is learning some biblical truth, I was not expecting it to be used in quite this fashion.

Winter can be a cold and dreary time here in the Midwest. It is so easy to become depressed and lethargic during this season. We have to endure some cold, hard winters spiritually speaking as well. You know those times when you just feel stuck in your relationship with God and you just don't feel the love? Maybe you feel like God has abandoned you or that He isn't really on your side. Could it be that you just don't have the energy to reach out to Him?

So, how do you survive a cold, hard winter? You begin walking in the hope that spring is right around the corner. The bible tells us that in this world we will have trouble, but that we can take heart as we face the winters in our lives because Christ has overcome the world. Just as surely as I know that the snow will one day melt and the sun will shine again, I know that Jesus Christ is living and active in my life today and that one day, just around the corner, I will be with Him in a garden paradise where night (and hopefully winter) will not come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm with you...looking forward to being with Jesus (not being with you in the lion's den!) Too funny!