Sunday, June 22, 2008

Smiley Miley

My last two posts have been a little Owen focused, so I thought it would be fun to spend a little time documenting a day in the life of our sweet baby Miles. Here are a few tidbits . . .

-As a family, we typically pray before eating lunch each day. Generally, Miles becomes a bit agitated during this time because he is hungry and ready to eat. There was an odd silence during our time of prayer the other day. When I looked up, I saw Miles sitting quietly in his high chair, hands folded in prayer.

-Miles is a hit in the nursery at church. Each week I get a report of how happy and smiley he was for the workers.

-Miles is loved by his big brother Owen. Let's just say that sometimes . . . love hurts. I joke that while I was pregnant with Miles I prayed for Owen to love his little brother. Unfortunately, I didn't think to pray for our new baby to love his big brother. I'm working to correct that!

-Miles loves teddy bears. There is one bear in particular that Brandon gave me while we were dating. It is about the size of Miles! Anyway, he lays on top of the bear and just gives him the biggest squeeze. It is the cutest thing!

-Miles is a loud crawler. Sometimes you hear him coming down the hallway just grunting uhuhuhuhuhuh. I wonder how that will translate into words someday!

-Miles has several nicknames: Miles Diles, Milo, Mi Mi, Little Guy, Miley, Smiles, Smiley Miley. He has truly earned the name Smiley Miley. He can melt your heart with his toothy grin. I just love that kid!!!!

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