Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Mother's Day Dad!

The Early clan celebrated Father's Day a little early this year. Brandon will be in Kentucky with the Jr Highers for the week and will miss his big day. Since Brandon will be out of state for Father's Day, I thought it would be fun to give him a fancy smancy card that records your voice and plays a little song. Cheesy, but fun! Owen and I practiced his big line a few times before I hit record. Here is what was said . . .

Me: Ok, say "Happy Father's Day Dad, I love you!"

Owen: "Happy Mother's Day Dad!"

Me: "No, it's Father's Day, not Mother's Day silly goose! Try it again!"

Owen: "Happy Mother's Day Dad!"

Me: "Owen, say Father's Day."

Owen: "Father's Day."

Me: "Okay, now say Happy Father's Day Dad, I love you!"

Owen: "Happy Mother's Day Dad, I love you!"

At that point, I gave up! The card was delivered a few hours later and Dad of course loved it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh...funny! :-) This is so could get it published and share the joy.

Aunt Lynette