Friday, July 26, 2013

Big Deals

McDonalds Playplace. I hate to think of the germs that lurk there, but tonight something special happened. A tearful mother walked to our table and explained the huge victory her son just experienced. “You might not think this is a big deal, but my son just asked your son to play.” This proud momma went on to explain the struggles her 7 year old son experienced due to autism. We celebrated with her and enjoyed watching the boys interact.

I wish I could take credit for my children. I wish I could say that I taught them whatever they needed to know to create this special moment, but I can’t. As a matter of fact, recently, I have been trying to shape and mold my children in ways that might hinder this kind of interaction in the future.

Tonight I was reminded that it is not my job to make my children fit a certain mold. My responsibility and privilege is to train up His children, the children God has created in His own image and for His own good purposes. You might not think this is a big deal, but I learned a lot about being a parent tonight. Now who’s the momma with tears in her eyes!

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