Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Olympics

I am loving the Olympics! Whether it is swimming, running, volleyball, gymnastics or even wrestling, I will watch any and every competition with great enthusiasm. Why is it that every two years I am suddenly passionate about sports?

Maybe it is because the stakes are so high. This is a competition that only comes around every four years. Athletes have trained their entire lives for this one moment. The thrill of victory is so sweet and the agony of defeat is excruciating.

Show me the . . . medals! This event is not about money. There are no trades, no injury lists, no strikes. These athletes compete for the honor of receiving a gold, silver or bronze medal for their beloved country.

Possibly the biggest reason I enjoy watching the Olympics is because I know all my friends, family and neighbors are cheering for the same team. How often does that ever happen! I love going to Facebook and seeing friends in California, Tennessee and even Rockford, Illinois cheering on the same athlete, the same team, the same country.

Well, off I go to see who wins the men's marathon. Although the United States is not a top contender I'm still glued to the screen anticipating the thrill of victory and cheering on the world!

1 comment:

Ashleigh said...

We've enjoyed watching some of the Olympics too! We have a friend here who competed in the Men's Modern Penthalon a few days ago.