Saturday, July 26, 2008


This morning, Brandon, Owen and I decided to do some yard work while Miles was napping. Brandon and Owen worked on removing a dead tree while I did some weeding. Here is what I learned:

1. The right plant in the wrong place is just another weed.
2. It takes time and skill to pull up a root.
3. Sometimes you have to dig up some of the good to get to the root.
4. Any unfilled space usually fills itself with weeds.
5. Weeds are hard to spot when they're growing among the grass.
6. When you go digging, you will find more problems than you bargained for.
7. Even if you think you've finished, if you look harder you'll probably see more weeds.
8. Sometimes the gloves gotta come off and you need to get a little dirty!

God spoke to me through the weeds today! Each of these points is so true on a spiritual level. The sins or weeds in our lives are varied, inconvenient, difficult to remove and just plain dirty. We need to be on guard against the weeds taking root in our hearts and trust the skillful hands of God, the Master Gardener, to skillfully remove those sins all the way down to their roots.

Colossians 2:6-7 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Savior and Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.


Anonymous said...

Great post. By the way, if you need more practice honing your weed-pulling skills, come visit my garden anytime!

Erin Blume said...

Keri, i am so happy you are a fellow blogger now! now we can even hang out on the internet!! Ha ha. Can't wait til Bible study tonight. See you then. Erin