Sunday, January 27, 2013


I call Iowa my spacious place. God picked me up and moved me 4 1/2 hours west. He also moved me away from everyone and everything I had known for the past decade of life. Although relocating can take you away from difficult people or situations, it also removes the daily rhythm of relationships and routines to which you have become accustomed.

After my first few weeks in Iowa, I came to a realization. Life here was going to be different. Mind-blowing, huh!  I had to find a new rhythm. I needed to develop new relationships while learning to adjust old ones. I needed to figure out how to get through the day by myself with 3 boys. I needed to decide what stores to shop at and how to organize my house. I needed to figure out a schedule for getting a shower!!! At times, this process felt awkward and overwhelming. I stumbled around and had a lot of missteps. I was always trying to plot my next move, but my choreography was off.

Then something happened. I started tuning into the music that was playing. I took note of my surroundings and my circumstances. Although I might not have chosen the tune, I could certainly embrace this new rhythm and move to the music. My new moves include making our house a home through learning how to make a cleaning schedule and buying everything I see on etsy. It includes putting more time and effort into raising my boys. It includes meeting new people and going new places. Of course it still includes many awkward moments and missteps, but at least I am starting to feel the rhythm (and even starting to like the music)!

I'm planning to use this space to document some of my new moves. Although I am not trying to be perfect or turn my life into one big pinterest board, I am trying to find my rhythm. Sometimes it will work and sometimes... it just won't. Should be an interesting dance!

You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever. 
Psalm 30:11-12


Anonymous said...

Loved this...and I think your dance moves are amazing!

Erin Blume said...

Can't wait til the next time our BSB gets out there to join in on that dance! Love where you live Buddy...and you are doing a great job of making your house a home!