Monday, July 4, 2011

All Things Miles . . .

-I love the way he comes in my room in the morning and whispers, “Mom, I gotta tell you something—I love you.”

-This boy has about a million different facial expressions—happy, silly, mean, mad—he is so animated and is constantly making people laugh.

-As a speech pathologist, I thought any sort of articulation errors in my own children would drive me mad, but I’ve come to yove Miles’ yittle “l” sound.

-We always end our bedtime routine by singing “Jesus Loves Me.” Miles closes his eyes and smiles as I sing the last few words.

-Miles is all boy. He loves swords, guns and now his new light saber. I’m trying to channel that into raising a warrior for the Lord!

-Sometimes when he is tired, I catch him twirling his curls with his fingers.

-Whereas Owen could care less about being in timeout, Miles always cries his loudest cry when he is sent to the naughty spot.

-This is kind of gross, but we are talking all things Miles . . . the kid leaves a trail of boogies (aka boogers) wherever he goes. We are working on this.

-The boy is a pack rat. Everything belongs to his “collection.” You would not believe the weird stuff I found while cleaning out his room the other day.

-Miles for sure loves his dad, but he is definitely a mama’s boy. He loves to sit by me and hold my hand. I know it won’t last forever, so I’m enjoying every minute of it now!

“Miles Lee Early, I love you. Miles Lee Early it’s all true. Miles Lee Early what a joy! Miles Lee Early you’re my boy.”

1 Thessalonians 3:9 How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you?

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