Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Fond Farewell!

Today pretty much marked the end of summer vacation. We had a very full and very fun day!

Day Out with Thomas
This morning we got up bright and early and headed to the Illinois Railway Museum in Union, Illinois. We arrived when the gates opened at 9am and headed straight for . . . the porta-potties of course! Owen was a little freaked out, but we survived. Once inside we found the main attraction himself . . . Thomas the Tank Engine. We took a few pictures then marched over to see Sir Topham Hatt. I thought Miles would be afraid of the very large-headed, puffy man, but he did just great! The boys rode on little push-poll wagons and jumped in a bouncy cage. Then it was time for our turn on the Thomas train! The boys loved waving at all the people. Owen sat mesmerized by the entire experience. After our 20 minute ride, we grabbed some lunch, checked out a few of the entertainment tents, let Owen pick out a toy with the money he had saved, and called it a day!

Neighborhood Circus
About a week ago, one of the neighbor girls invited us to a circus. A few of the neighborhood kids had gotten together and decided to entertain the whole block! They have been practicing for the past 2 weeks and tonight was the big show. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I loaded up the boys in the wagon and headed down the street. To my surprise, there was a big crowd! The kids did a great job with the circus. There was music, bike riding, pogo-sticking, bunnies, comedy, water dumping and treats at the end! The boys absolutely loved it! After the big event, all the neighbors stuck around and got to know one another. I met 2 moms with young kids and am hoping we can set up some playdates in the future. It was a lot of fun getting to know the neighbors and catching up with a a few I haven't seen in awhile. All this is thanks to a few little girls who wanted to put on a circus.

What a great end to our summer. Let Fall begin!

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